Postnatal Support

The Flying Doula Service exists to provide you with in-home support after the birth of your baby. 

Together we will work out how to best support you, your family and your household during this special time.

The Flying Doula Service is committed to meeting your needs, so that you have the  freedom and space to meet the needs of your new baby.

What might best support you?

Love and Care

A safe, encouraging and non-judgemental space

Nourishing Meals

Nutritious home-cooked food to support healing

Rest and Sleep

A priority for healing and wellbeing

Infant Care Skills

Deep confidence in your capacity to look after your baby (or babies)

Breastfeeding Support

Working with you for your breastfeeding goals

Household Support

Taking care of the kitchen, laundry and tidying so you can focus on your baby

Building Your Village

Linking you to local services and resources for the future

Someone You Can Trust

To look after you, your baby, older children and family

Tailored Support

All Postnatal Support packages are individually tailored to meet your needs.

Are you interested in what kind of support would make the most difference to you? Please get in touch below for a FREE 30 minute consultation (obligation-free). 

All Postnatal Support packages are custom-designed for your circumstances.

Limited or No Local Support

Many people across Australia find themselves having a baby without any local support. Maybe you've moved away from family and support networks, maybe family and friends would love to help but have work and children themselves, maybe you live in a rural or remote location. Whatever the reason, no one should have to do this alone.

The Flying Doula Service exists so that you can have the right support for you, right when you need it.

✔️ Feel well-supported, both practically and emotionally.

✔️ Recover and heal from birth with enough rest and nourishing food, leaving you feeling ready for the future.

✔️ Know you are never on your own. Together we will start building your village (support network) the modern and creative way, from local and online resources, to last long after I have left.

Twins or Multiples

Having twins and multiples brings MORE of everything. More love, more joy, more baby cuddles and also more nappy changes, feeds, waking, settling and challenges.

It also seems to bring more-than-usual unsolicited advice and opinions about feeding, sleeping and everything else. And usually from people who have never actually experienced the challenges (and joys) of raising multiples themselves!

Ways that Postnatal Support can be tailored to you:

✔️ More hands-on support looking after the babies with you.

✔️ Making sure you have the space and freedom to find your own way of parenting your babies that feels good to you.

✔️ Connect you with other parents of multiples going through the same challenges and joys.

✔️ Link you with services supporting multiples families.

✔️ Coordinate offers of support from families and friends (like meal trains) so that you can relax with your babies and rest.

✔️ It's more important than ever that you can leave all your normal chores to someone else.

Mental Health Concerns

Perhaps you suffered from Prenatal or Postnatal Depression or Anxiety with your last baby. Perhaps this is your first baby, but you've dealt with a psychological disorder in the past, or are dealing with one now. Whatever the case, it is really great you are looking into support for the postnatal period, a vulnerable time for our mental health.

There is not yet enough research on the link between postnatal support and mental health to make any claims about whether postnatal support protects mental health.

However, we do have evidence that enough sleep, nutritious food and social support are foundational protective factors for mental health, and that is the focus of Postnatal Support.

✔️ Support can be tailored in collaboration with you and your mental health professional (for example, your psychologist or counsellor).

✔️ Prioritise sleep needs being met.

✔️ Provide a safe, non-judgmental and reassuring space to share the challenges and joys of being the parent of a newborn.

✔️ Work closely with you to check in with your own needs, and support them to be met.

NB: The Flying Doula Service does not provide mental health treatment or services. For information or advice about your postnatal mental health please talk to a mental health professional. It is a really good idea to establish a relationship with a mental health professional you trust now, if you have concerns about your postnatal mental health.

Solo Parenting

People embarking on the journey of solo-parenting are often way ahead of everyone on understanding the importance of support, and support networks!

We can tailor your Postnatal Support package to suit you, and your needs.

✔️ Ensure you have time and space to recover, adjust and bond with your gorgeous baby while I look after everything else.

✔️ Include family and friends in the process as much as you like.

✔️ Set up systems to last you way into the future, so you get the practical and social support you need from family, friends and local services so that nobody, including you, burns out.

Physical Limitations (C-section, medical conditions)

Planned or emergency Caesarean sections and other medical conditions may require limited activities, including avoiding lifting and driving. This should be no obstacle for a calm, restful and joyful postpartum!

Together, we can tailor your support so that you have:

✔️ Plenty of opportunities to rest, recover and fully heal from the birth.

✔️ Everything taken care of, so that you can focus on looking after and getting to know your new little baby.

✔️ Plans and systems in place for the future if there are ongoing physical limitations, so that your experience of motherhood (or parenthood) is as great and well-supported as possible.

Baby in Hospital

Postnatal Support can be adapted to support you and your family if your baby needs to spend time in hospital.

✔️ Looking after the household and older children so that you (or your partner) can be with baby as much as possible in hospital.

✔️ Be with the baby in hospital when you can't be.

✔️ Coordinate support from family and friends.

✔️ Provide a safe, non-judgmental space during what is an incredibly challenging time.